
Monthly Archives: June 2017








We are back!
After two years of various kinds of actions –having a baby, setting up a life on the other side of the ocean etc.– we invite you to properly celebrate the Berlin summer with us, outside by the pool.

We are very pleased to be guests at Tropez, a space initiated and organized by Nele Heinevetter at the Sommerbad Humboldthain in Berlin-Wedding that invites international artists, performers, and curators to create and present work in this particular location.
Along our brunch, we will offer specials for the Pommesbude (French Fries stand) of the Sommerbad so come early or stay longer to get a taste.

Otherwise, we are looking forward to serving a menu made from donated organic produce from the Rathaus Schöneberg market –mainly from the Obsthof Siegris– at the brunch.

Reservations via
(Contribution excl. entrance to the pool: € 10–15,-)

Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1
13357 Berlin – Wedding

Until then, enjoy the light summer,
Sandra & Sarah